Anderson, Elliot

Assistant Research Scientist
IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering
Office: 309 TH Trowbridge Hall (TH)
Education: PhD, The University of Iowa, 2022
MS, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019
BS, Purdue University, 2014
Research Areas
Data Science, Hydrology, Sediment Transport, Water Quality
Biography: I am a research scientist affiliated with IIHR and the Iowa Geological Survey. My research explores water quality and hydrologic data to better understand man-made and environmental processes. I conduct numerous studies using statistical modeling to characterize pollutant transport in Iowa, with a focus on nutrients, pathogens, and sediment. I have also led many field campaigns and assisted numerous researchers with analyses of water quality and environmental data. Prior to my position at Iowa, I worked as a professionally licensed civil engineer in transportation and water resources engineering.